Tips for When You’re Between Jobs

Being out of work might quickly turn into a dull routine, perhaps tinged with worry about your financial situation. In the same way that feeling challenged and invigorated at your job can have a positive impact on your mood and your productivity, developing a positive mentality and a healthy routine can also help while you’re…

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Looking for a New Job? Here are Good Sources for References

If you’re trying to choose good references for a potential job, adding colleagues has always been common sense. But today the internet can complicate such simple choices. A reference who looks good on paper may not look that flattering online, possibly killing your chances of landing a job. Avoid the pitfalls of a poorly-planned list…

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3 Ways to Craft a Quality Resume

As you begin a job search in what will probably be a highly-competitive market, a critical part of this process will be updating your resume. With this in mind, we’ve put together three great ways to help you craft a quality resume. [ilembed type=”TDJ_CTA_CreditScore_CreditScore” target=”TDJcreditscorecta”] data-objects adtype=cta [/ilembed] 1. Create Multiple Versions If you’re seeking…

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